Well, you get the picture. So I'm always a bit in the moment of December and then January sneaks up on me.
But I've been challenged to write about new learning for 2016. So I'll pull my brain out of the moment and think forward to 2016.
I really believe in being a life-long learner. One of the joys of being an adult is that I get to choose what I learn. No one is assigning me a class or giving me a grade. I get to follow my own whims and go at my own pace.
One of my educational passions is teaching students social-emotional skills. Any elementary teacher can tell you our kids are not coming pre-loaded with skills like impulse inhibition, emotional management skills, or empathy. Yet these are skills that make great learners and great human beings! I have taught, trained, and promoted the Second Step Curriculum from Committee for Children for years. Recently I got an add reminding me that the new principal toolkit is on sale! I love a good sale! I am looking forward to receiving this kit and finding ways to encourage social-emotional growth in new ways at my school.

Another recent area of learning for me is finding ways to support struggling children in new ways. There are so many general-education kids who need big, big help and it is hard to know what to do. Punishment is not "fixing" them. Part of the answer is the aforementioned social-emotional skills that they are lacking, but that's a long-haul prescription. What do I do about NOW? I guess if I figure it out, I'll really have something to blog about! :)
Personal areas of learning include challenging my musical learning by continuing with our local orchestra. Playing cello does not come naturally to me, although I love it. If I were not in orchestra, I'd only pick it up occasionally. Orchestra keeps my brain in gear and keeps me learning new things. It pushes me out of my comfort zone (love those big, slow whole, half, quarter notes!) and into the land of learning.
Have you noticed that learning is hard? It's uncomfortable. It's stressful! Making peace with the push to learn helps us keep learning. And having compassion for those who are marked by the stress of learning is important. Sometimes a grumpy, mean, spiteful person is just someone being stretched a bit too far. (Of course, sometimes they're just a grumpy, mean, spiteful person, but I can still have compassion!)
Okay, friends and educators. Here's to new learning in 2016. Here's to riding the crests and troughs of the rough seas of learning. We can do it!
I love your honesty about what it means to be a learner. Learning takes work!